Culture/Customs/Language Acknowledgement of the Agai Dicutta
Land acknowledgment of the traditional inhabitants of Agai Dicutta (Walker River Paiute) is a powerful way of showing respect to the Indigenous people. However, at times, the focus is more on the “land” that we stand on right now, rather than acknowledgement of the culture, customs, and language. Each day, let us acknowledge and recognize the tribal community's knowledge that has been passed down via oral tradition from elders and knowledge keepers to the next generations since time immemorial.
Let us acknowledge that current colonial systems have not done enough to value the knowledge of each of the 28 tribal bands and colonies here in Nevada. Let us honor their knowledge and understand their stories are not myth or superstition, but of ways to live with the land, water, and animals of the Great Basin. No’oko damme bea deepu, moomooatupu, natusooano nanesootuhina. We all pray for mother earth, knowledge keepers (elders), and the traditional medicines of this land. Pesha mu, thank you all.
School Performance Plan: A Roadmap to Success
Schurz Elementary School has established its School Performance Plan for the school year. This plan was developed by the school’s continuous improvement (CI) team and informed by a comprehensive needs assessment that included data analysis and meaningful engagement with the school community. It includes the school's goals and process developed during Act 1. The CI team will monitor implementation throughout the school year and evaluate and update the goals at the end of the year.
In compliance with federal and state law, Nevada’s K-12 Accountability Portal provides detailed information about each school’s student and staff demographics and school performance rating, a star-rating system based on the Nevada School Performance Framework (NSPF). You can find our School Rating Report at
2023-24 School Goals
Inquiry Area 1 - Student Success
School Goal:
By May 2024, during Nevada SBAC testing, overall Math MGP will increase from 36.5% to 60% and out ELA MGP will increase from 71.5% to 80%. Chronic absenteeism will reduce from 50% to 30%.
Inquiry Area 2 - Adult Learning Culture
School Goal:
By the end of the Academic Year 2023-24, Schurz Elementary School will have evidence that strong professional development and collaboration systems, focused on literacy and math, are resulting in increased student achievement and narrower performance gaps for all student groups raising the academic rigor and the relevance of learning experiences through strong instruction.
Inquiry Area 3 - Connectedness
School Goal:
By the end of the Academic Year 2023-24, at least 60% of the Walker River Paiute tribal community families, staff, community and council members will report that Schurz Elementary School has strong communication that promotes trusting partnerships, a safe learning environment that honors and values the Walker River Paiute tribal community’s culture, customs, and language.